Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Harvard Business Publishing Video interview

A two-part interview I gave to "Cue Ball" for the Harvard Business Publishing video series has been posted online at

While I can't say precisely when the interview was uploaded, its theme syncs pretty closely with the message we presented in "Creating Hot Opportunities in a Cold Economy." The thumbnail image below links to part-one. Total running time of both parts: approx. 10 minutes. I kept it brief because I know how busy you are. You're welcome.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Creating Hot Opportunities in a Cold Economy

Everyone knows the value of turning adversity into opportunity. "When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade!" It's an inspiring credo, to be sure, but - is there any sugar left in the cupboard?

In our latest issue of "Parthenon Perspectives," the question we address is whether there is objective evidence to show companies can actually achieve this goal given the current economic environment. Our conclusion? A resounding "Yes!"

So, may we pour you an iced-cold glass of refreshing indicators? Follow the link below to read the two-part article at the website. You'll also find a few tasty multimedia treats, including an hour-long webcast and a conference slideshow presentation.